First off, Dave got a new job as a car salesman for Kelly Volkswagen in Danvers. I feel like this is the perfect job for him since he loves anything and everything that has to do with car:) He will be starting on June 28th when his school lets out for the summer! We are a little nervous because his income will rely mostly on commission, but we are hoping that he will do just fine. Because we are unsure though, Dave signed his contract with the school to teach again next year! If the car thing looks as if it will work out he will cancel his contract and continue to do that. If it doesn't work out then he will be continuing to teach at Mystic Valley and look for a second job. We don't want that though!
All of that being said, I put in my notice with Starbucks and my last day of work will be the 26th of June! This is because Dave's new job hours will not allow me to work. Which makes this whole situation a little scarier for me with the new baby coming and all! I definitely worry more these days then I ever have:) Gotta love the hormone changes that come with being pregnant! I am in my 5th month of pregnancy now (24 weeks for you women who prefer to go by that) and I am feeling pretty great! It has been a scare free pregnancy so far which is amazing:) I have been under careful watch just to be sure we aren't gonna have the same scares and complications as we had with Jacqueline. I have been having a level 2 ultrasound every month to keep an eye on things. I have one on the 6th of June and if all looks well they will stop doing them every month. This would be nice in the saving money aspect of things:) I had to switch doctors because my OB is quitting in August so this month I will be visiting a new doc for the first time! Hoping that this will be a smooth transition and that I will enjoy this new doctor!
(Here's a nice scary ultrasound pic:) So funny!)
Jacqueline is doing pretty good! She is attempting to get rid of her nap (Lord help me) which is making for some pretty grumpy days but other than that she is still the cutest little thing I have ever seen! She as learned her alphabet and can name the letters you point to even if they are out of order:) However, she get X confused with Y and E confused with F. :) It is so amazing to see her grow and learn!
That's all the update for this month! Stayed tuned for next month!
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