Welcome to the Colburn family blog!

I have decided to start a blog so that you can see updates about our family as we expand from three to four:) Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November 3, 2011

Wow it's been a long time! Sorry for lagging in my posts but we were out of internet for a couple of months there. Now that we have internet once more I will fill you in on everything that has been going on!

       Kyleigh Renee Colburn made her way into this world on September 14, 2011 at 3:57 pm. She weighed in at 6lbs. 9oz. and 19 inches long. It all started when I went in for a follow up ultrasound on the 13th. The docs were keeping a close eye on her, because like Jacqueline, Kyleigh was looking too small on the ultrasounds (in the 5%). When I went in she was looking even smaller then the previous ultrasound so they sent me straight down to see the doctor to discuss what should be done. At first the doctor asked me if I had eaten anything that day (which meant he was planning to send me straight in for another c-section). I got really upset because my c-section with Jacqueline went terrible and I was dead set on having a normal birthing experience after that. After talking to the doc for a little while he agreed to check me to see if I was dilated at all. I couldn't be induced because of my c-section unless I was dilated some already. Thank God, I was 1-2 centimeters dilated. The doc sent me across the street to labor an delivery to take a stress test and then to get a folley balloon (a balloon to start contractions) in. After that they sent me home and told me to come back if I started having contractions every 5 mins. This was around 6pm.
      My mother and I met Dave at Olive Garden to get my favorite dinner before the long day ahead of me. By the time we were seated I was already having contractions every 5 mins. But I sat there and ate my meal anyways:) We rusjed through our meal and headed home to pack up for the hospital. We made it to the hospital somewhere around 10:30pm and my friend Nikki met us there, she was going to be there for the birth! They hooked me up to monitors and then we started the waiting game. About five hours after arriving the folley balloon fell out. This happens when you reach 4 centimeters. We thought this was great until an hour later when we realized that when the balloon fell out my contractions stopped completely.
      The doctor came in a little after the balloon fell out and told me that they were going to start me on pitocin (a drug that starts contractions......unbelievably painful contrations). Once they started that we waited another two hours while the contractions slowly got more frequent and painful. I had decided that the contrations were bearable enough that I might try to catch some sleep before I couldn't anymore. As soon as I laid back to sleep the contractions became absolutely unbearable. I thought something must be wrong because the got a 100 times worse in a matter of seconds. I had hoped that at this point I could get an epidural. When they finally checked me I was at 9 centimeters and they suspected that Kyleigh would deliver at any minute so they didn't even offer an epidural.
      The doctors got all the equipment ready to deliver the baby and then waited in my room for the time to push. And the waited, and waited, and waited! I sat at 9 centimeters and horrific contractions for 2 hours!!!! They finally gave me one of two options. I could get an epidural which would help relax my body and hopefully get me to 10 centimeters or I could let them break my water which would make the contractions worse but probably get that last centimeter. I decided for the breaking of the water because it seemed like it would get her out the quickest , and I don't particularly like the idea of a needle in my back:) The instant they broke my water I had the urge to push. Kyleigh was born twenty minutes later!
     Kyleigh had lots of visitors including my parents, my Aunt Debbie, Dave's parents and my little brother Anthony. She now weighs 9lbs. and besides having a bit of a cold she is doing great!
Kyleigh is born!!!

Kyleigh and Nikki
Kyleigh started smiling (6 weeks)

        In other news, Dave and I moved from Wakefield to Reading this last week! We really love our new place and it's in a great location. Dave started his second year working at the charter school and will be trying to get a second job after the holidays are over! We celebrated Halloween with The Thomsons again this year. Jacqueline went as a bumblebee and Kyleigh was my heater:) 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 20, 2011

Hey Guys!!!!

 So I slacked in getting a post up last month! My apologies:) Anyways, here is what has been happening with the Colburns for the past couple of months......

So Dave sold cars all summer and it actually wasn't too bad. We had initially thought that if it went well that it would be his full time job instead of teaching. He started out with Kelly Volkswagen in Danvers which didn't start off so well because of the management. Dave has a friend who lives in Foxboro Who sells for Nissan in East Providence RI. and they were really desperate for salesmen so Dave decided to work for him for the rest of the summer instead of at Kelly's. He did really well here and sold a lot of cars for the short time that he was there, however, because it was such a long drive it wasn't something that he could do in the long run. All this being said, Dave decided to go back to teaching this year and he will be getting a second job cause we all know teachers don't get paid a whole lot:( Hopefully he doesn't wear himself out!

                                            This is Josh (Dave's friend that he sold cars for)

 We got a visit from a friend of mine that lives in Colorado a week ago. Her name is Liz and I have known her since my senior year in high school. We had a really good time showing her around Boston and taking her to the beach and Jacqueline absolutely loved the company!!!
Liz and Jacqueline in Boston

Liz and I in Boston
I am officially 35 weeks!!!!!! I cannot believe how fast time seems to be going! I can't believe we will be having another baby in 5 short weeks. However, my family isn't really known to hold babies in past the 38th week  so it could be 3 weeks out! CRAZY! Anyways, I have been feeling pretty good as far as the pregnancy goes. I am a bit on the tired end these days trying to prepare for baby #2 while taking care of the high energy baby#1 :) I also find that I am stressing more then I probably should about the delivery since I am going for a VBAC instead of a repeat c-section. But I have an amazing doctor who does a great job of easing my fears in this area!

My very small belly:) 32 weeks

My mother will be coming down when I am 38 weeks to help us get ready for the baby and to help take care of Jacqueline in the last few weeks when I won't be totally up for wrestling my crazy 2yr old:) I am really excited to see her but hope that I don't have this kid before she can make it down here! She flies in September 10th!!!!

Dave has started the pastor track at 7 Mile Road and he is really excited to get this thing started and for the future Wakefield plant!!!!!

Lastly, we are thinking about moving out of our apartment when our lease is up at the end of October, however, I'm not really finding any good apartments in Wakefield as of late. I'm also a bit nervous about moving with a one month old. We could really use prayer that we find something and that the move will be a smooth transition for us all!

PHEW!!!!! That was a lot of stuff to go over and I promise not to skip next month:) Hopefully next time I will be posting about the arrival of our new baby girl! Until then.......
Cutest pic ever of Jacqueline in Boston!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3, 2011

Hey guys! Here is what has happened in the last month with the Colburn family....

First off, Dave got a new job as a car salesman for Kelly Volkswagen in Danvers. I feel like this is the perfect job for him since he loves anything and everything that has to do with car:) He will be starting on June 28th when his school lets out for the summer! We are a little nervous because his income will rely mostly on commission, but we are hoping that he will do just fine. Because we are unsure though, Dave signed his contract with the school to teach again next year! If the car thing looks as if it will work out he will cancel his contract and continue to do that. If it doesn't work out then he will be continuing to teach at Mystic Valley and look for a second job. We don't want that though!

All of that being said, I put in my notice with Starbucks and my last day of work will be the 26th of June! This is because Dave's new job hours will not allow me to work. Which makes this whole situation a little scarier for me with the new baby coming and all! I definitely worry more these days then I ever have:) Gotta love the hormone changes that come with being pregnant! I am in my 5th month of pregnancy now (24 weeks for you women who prefer to go by that) and I am feeling pretty great! It has been a scare free pregnancy so far which is amazing:) I have been under careful watch just to be sure we aren't gonna have the same scares and complications as we had with Jacqueline. I have been having a level 2 ultrasound every month to keep an eye on things. I have one on the 6th of June and if all looks well they will stop doing them every month. This would be nice in the saving money aspect of things:) I had to switch doctors because my OB is quitting in August so this month I will be visiting a new doc for the first time! Hoping that this will be a smooth transition and that I will enjoy this new doctor! 

                                           (Here's a nice scary ultrasound pic:) So funny!)

Jacqueline is doing pretty good! She is attempting to get rid of her nap (Lord help me) which is making for some pretty grumpy days but other than that she is still the cutest little thing I have ever seen! She as learned her alphabet and can name the letters you point to even if they are out of order:) However, she get X confused with Y and E confused with F. :) It is so amazing to see her grow and learn!

That's all the update for this month! Stayed tuned for next month!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 18, 2011

So this is the first post on our new blog! I'm a bit nervous because I have very limited experience with blogs:) So here is what has been happening with our family lately.....

So David is currently working at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden however he is currently looking for a different job that makes a bit more money! So prayer for that would be greatly appreiated!

I am expecting our 2nd child late in September!!!!! SO EXCITED! We are expecting another baby girl! Her name will be Kyleigh Renee Colburn! So far the pregnancy has been going really well, especially when compared to my pregnancy with Jacqueline. We are hoping it stays this way:)

Jacqueline turned 2 this april! She is getting so big and I can't believe how the time has flown! She is starting to speak more clearly these days and is even throwing multiple words together to make sentences! It's exciting but also a tiny bit frustrating when we don't understand what she wants and she gets mad. We have also hit the terrible 2's which means lots of temper tantrums, lots of screaming, and a little bit of hitting too! It's been a bit hard on Dave and I because she is our first and we have never dealt with any of this before but we are making it through:) 

We are currently living in Wakefield, MA which isn't so bad if it weren't for the weather:) It's middle of May and it feels like winter is trying to make a comeback! We really love this city though and we are in the process of planting a church here next year with some amazing couples (Joie and Natalie Thomson and Geoffrey and Jess Bertram). We are very excited for this opportunity but it comes with it's worries and fears as well. Just pray that we keep God at the center of our focus and that he provides for us:)

That's all I have for now but I will post a new update once a month so stay tuned:)