Kyleigh Renee Colburn made her way into this world on September 14, 2011 at 3:57 pm. She weighed in at 6lbs. 9oz. and 19 inches long. It all started when I went in for a follow up ultrasound on the 13th. The docs were keeping a close eye on her, because like Jacqueline, Kyleigh was looking too small on the ultrasounds (in the 5%). When I went in she was looking even smaller then the previous ultrasound so they sent me straight down to see the doctor to discuss what should be done. At first the doctor asked me if I had eaten anything that day (which meant he was planning to send me straight in for another c-section). I got really upset because my c-section with Jacqueline went terrible and I was dead set on having a normal birthing experience after that. After talking to the doc for a little while he agreed to check me to see if I was dilated at all. I couldn't be induced because of my c-section unless I was dilated some already. Thank God, I was 1-2 centimeters dilated. The doc sent me across the street to labor an delivery to take a stress test and then to get a folley balloon (a balloon to start contractions) in. After that they sent me home and told me to come back if I started having contractions every 5 mins. This was around 6pm.
My mother and I met Dave at Olive Garden to get my favorite dinner before the long day ahead of me. By the time we were seated I was already having contractions every 5 mins. But I sat there and ate my meal anyways:) We rusjed through our meal and headed home to pack up for the hospital. We made it to the hospital somewhere around 10:30pm and my friend Nikki met us there, she was going to be there for the birth! They hooked me up to monitors and then we started the waiting game. About five hours after arriving the folley balloon fell out. This happens when you reach 4 centimeters. We thought this was great until an hour later when we realized that when the balloon fell out my contractions stopped completely.
The doctor came in a little after the balloon fell out and told me that they were going to start me on pitocin (a drug that starts contractions......unbelievably painful contrations). Once they started that we waited another two hours while the contractions slowly got more frequent and painful. I had decided that the contrations were bearable enough that I might try to catch some sleep before I couldn't anymore. As soon as I laid back to sleep the contractions became absolutely unbearable. I thought something must be wrong because the got a 100 times worse in a matter of seconds. I had hoped that at this point I could get an epidural. When they finally checked me I was at 9 centimeters and they suspected that Kyleigh would deliver at any minute so they didn't even offer an epidural.
The doctors got all the equipment ready to deliver the baby and then waited in my room for the time to push. And the waited, and waited, and waited! I sat at 9 centimeters and horrific contractions for 2 hours!!!! They finally gave me one of two options. I could get an epidural which would help relax my body and hopefully get me to 10 centimeters or I could let them break my water which would make the contractions worse but probably get that last centimeter. I decided for the breaking of the water because it seemed like it would get her out the quickest , and I don't particularly like the idea of a needle in my back:) The instant they broke my water I had the urge to push. Kyleigh was born twenty minutes later!
Kyleigh had lots of visitors including my parents, my Aunt Debbie, Dave's parents and my little brother Anthony. She now weighs 9lbs. and besides having a bit of a cold she is doing great!
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Kyleigh is born!!! |
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Kyleigh and Nikki |
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Kyleigh started smiling (6 weeks) |
In other news, Dave and I moved from Wakefield to Reading this last week! We really love our new place and it's in a great location. Dave started his second year working at the charter school and will be trying to get a second job after the holidays are over! We celebrated Halloween with The Thomsons again this year. Jacqueline went as a bumblebee and Kyleigh was my heater:)