So this year for Christmas we decided to stay in Boston. This was mostly due to the fact that we officially have to pay for Jacqueline to fly and it would have cost us 1,600 dollars to fly us all out to Colorado! CRAZY!!!!! So instead of heading to Colorado Dan, Dave's brother, flew down to spend Christmas with us. It was really nice to have him around but Dave had to work the majority of the time cause his school is really lame with their vacations. Poor Danny had to spend a lot of time with just me and the girls:) The girls were really blessed with lots of gifts from family, We had no more space to put things! That being said, I had to convert our dining room into a play room because all of the toys couldn't fit in the girls room.
After Danny left we celebrated the new year with Mike and Sara Spurlock. We had a great time and I think we watched 3 movies waiting for midnight to roll around! Jacqueline actually stayed up to welcome the new year, however I doubt that suprises very many of you because she spent most of her 2 years of life keeping us up that late anyways:)
With the new year has come a LOT of Wakefield church planting stuff! We have officially begun looking for a space to hold service and we have been having Core Team Meetings every month! This has being really exciting, but at the same time it is starting to hit all of us just how close the launching of the church really is.
Jacqueline has taken to being a big sister really well! She truly loves playing and helping with Kyleigh. They are great at keeping each other company. Jacqueline will be turning 3 in a little under two months!!!! I can't believe how big she has gotten. We will be celebrating her birthday in Colorado, since we couldn't make it down for Christmas. It will be really great to see the family and celebrate with them.
My messy little girl! |
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Her new easel! |
Jacqueline LOVES to help me cook and bake! |

Dave is now working 2 jobs, the poor guy! He teaches during the day and then he works at Starbucks at night 3-4 times a week. It sucks that he is gone so much but it's necessary if he wants to keep living here in MA.
As for myself, I haven't been doing anything real exciting except for taking care of my two beautiful girls. I hate the winter because it is so hard to get them out to do things and I can't wait for warm weather to return.
Baking with my baby! |